Klopp Penny Wrapping Tube
Klopp Nickel Wrapping Tube
Klopp Dime Wrapping Tube
Klopp Quarter Wrapping Tube
Klopp Dollar Wrapping Tube
Klopp 1-1/8" Token / CAN $2 Wrapping Tube
Klopp .882" Token Wrapping Tube
Klopp .900" Token Wrapping Tube
Klopp .984" Token Wrapping Tube
Klopp 1" Token Wrapping Tube
Klopp Universal Bagging Tube
Klopp CR Penny Crimping Head
Klopp CR Nickel Crimping Head
Klopp CR Dime Crimping Head
Klopp CR Quarter Crimping Head
Klopp CR Dollar Crimping Head
Klopp CR 2-Dollar Crimping Head
Klopp CR Half-Dollar Crimping Head
- Highly accurate scale for weighing coins, tokens, and tickets
- 10 programmable keys - 6 are preprogrammed for all US coins and 4 extra keys allow for programming currency tokens and redemption tickets
- Max of $250 in quarters, 12lbs capacity, ideal for weighing tickets & currency
- Easy to use
- Highly accurate scale for weighing coins, tokens, and tickets
- 10 programmable keys - 6 preset keys for all US coins
- Max of $1,000 in quarters, 60lbs capacity
- Easy to use
- Crimps pre-crimped (shotgun shells) and (flat) style wrappers
- Equipped with 1 crimping head (storage rack as seen in photo is included with Model CR4)
- Takes Approximately 2 seconds to crimp
- Lightweight
- Easy to use
- Select desired crimping head from the drop down menu
- Crimps pre-crimped (shotgun shells) and (flat) style wrappers
- Equipped with 4 crimping heads and 1 storage rack
- Takes approximately 2 seconds to crimp
- Lightweight
- Easy to use
- Counts 1,200 coins per minute or can fill a bank wrapper in 4 seconds
- This machine manually counts; counts and wraps; or counts and bags coins
- This portable unit is lightweight and easy to carry
- Includes (3) nylon wrapping tubes (.25, .10, .05)
- Can also count wet coins/tokens
- Sorts up to 1,000 coins per minute
- sorts quarters, dimes, nickels and pennies by denomination
- Sorts wet coins & tokens
- Klopp CE counts, wraps and bags 1,200 coins one denomination at a time per minute or fill a bank wrapper in 4 seconds
- Turn on switch and in four seconds the wrapper is filled with proper amount and flow stops
- Resettable meter tells you how many coins have been counted into bag
- This unit is portable
- Includes (3) nylon wrapping tubes (.25, .10, .05)
- Can also count wet coins/tokens
- Counter has both manual (Model CM) and electric (Model CE) features
- Continues to work manually if power is not available or goes off
- Simple conversion with removable handcrank
- Electric Coin (Model CE) Counter/Wrapper/Bagger and Crimper (Model CR4) features
- Processes up to 1,200 coins per minute
- Machine can use both shotgun (pre- crimped) and flat style wrappers
- Comes with 4 crimping heads of your choice
- Includes crimp head storage rack